Professionally, I step into challenges always asking key questions so that I can create a vision that is meaningful and manifest realistic solutions.
When I develop a lesson, I ask "What is my objective?" and "What will it take for my students to feel and understand the concept?" That approach led me and my students out of the classroom engaging in cardboard car races, having standards aligned bake sales, supporting food kitchens and much more. When I am in a leadership role, the question"What will it take to reach our goal?" guides my approach. We can often see the solutions but the steps to implementation can be daunting. The answer has to be honest and fearless. For two years I worked with restorative practices in San Francisco innovating student focused solutions and programs listening to the needs of students and educators. I had to face fear of failure, motivate exhausted educators and remain grounded in researched approaches. Leading a team of courageous colleagues I implemented solutions that lowered suspension rates and helped bring voice to students who otherwise felt marginalized.